
Monday, January 28, 2013

Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 - Charles C. Mann 110 pages

"As with any difficult subject matter (in this case due to the time period and in debunking some of the established record), readers are invited to join in the discussion with curiosity, intensity, and a genuine desire to put more of the pieces together. There are three parts to the book that endeavor to answer probing questions. First, how old was the "New World?" Next, why did Europe succeed? Lastly, were the Americas really a wilderness? Each section has several chapters that contain artifacts, photographs, artistic renderings, maps, and accompanying text boxes with additional features."


*Some mature historical content.  This would be an excellent resource for both the Lang Arts and Soc Standards regarding pre-Columbus history (thriving governments, trade systems, art, land use, agricultural practices, etc) of Native people.  I suggest using this at 4th grade and above.  Great pictures accompanying the text.